Installing SDL2 image

closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Hello all.

I've been stuck with this a while hope somebody can help.I'm using orwell devc++
and mingw btw.

So I've installed SDL2 a while back version 2.0.4 (works fine), and tried to install SDL2 image just now, but I'm having no success with installing image.
I followed the steps here for installing SDL2 :

any idea where I'm going wrong?
right now the error I'm getting is :
<SDL_image.h> no such file or directory


have you linked ?
closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Yes I have: -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
but I'm not sure how to update it to include SDL2 image

solved: I forgot a space and needed to add -lSDL2_image , in case anyone else gets stuck
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