I am trying to have this code print out No! I've been able to get it to print out Yes! but not no. Here is the problem.
Keep asking the user for characters until the user enters #. The characters may be stored in a vector of chars or in a string. Do NOT include # in your list. If the series of characters is a palindrome, print out "Yes!". If the series of characters is NOT a palindrome, printout "No!" A palindrome is a word that can be read forwards and backwards the same. And example of a palindrome is "racecar".
string str;
initialize this upon declaration to be certain there's no garbage value in the initial variable;
a do-while loop would be more suited for your program as you'd have to accept at least one char;
finally, you don't have a palindrom checker anywhere in the code you've posted:
Oh sure lets do their homework for them and see how much they learn....
Your not doing them a favor if you post the code until they at least attempt it...
I honestly have been trying to figure out this code by myself now for three hours and have been having a very hard time moving forward with it. I was posting it out of frustration after trying to find help on google and asking ta's and not getting very far. Thank you for your help so far.