// Declarations
// number id
// string ownerName
// string breed
// number age
// number weight
// number weeklyFee
// output "Please enter owner's ID: "
// input id
// output "Please enter owner's name: "
// input ownerName
// output "Please enter dog's breed (no space in input, use _ instead; For example Great_Dane): "
// input breed
// output "Please enter dog's age: "
// input age
// output "Please enter dog's weight: "
// input weight
// if (weight < 15) then
// weeklyFee = 55.00
// else if ((weight >= 15) and (weight <= 30)) then
// weeklyFee = 75.00
// else if ((weight > 30) and (weight <= 80)) then
// weeklyFee = 105.00
// else
// weeklyFee = 125.00
// output "Owner Name: ", ownerName
// output "Owner ID: ", id
// output "Dog Breed: ", breed
// output "Dog Age: ", age
// output "Dog Weight: ", weight
// output "Weekly Fee: ", "$",weeklyFee
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I don't get this, these seem more like instructions than code are you asking someone to make this program or asking how to make it?
As well why is there a comment marker (//) in front of all of them and not in code brackets either
the entirety of this post confuses me.
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Ah ok, good to know was unaware of what pseudo code was until now and a google search.
OP: you can all consider using a struct and it's ctor to instantiate Dog objects