Process terminated with status -1073741510

Hello. It's this thing, that just keeps happening for a long long long time ( don't ask me when did start cuz I don't even remember). Everytime when I type a program in codeblocks, even if the program works correctly, without hezitations or stuff like that, without warnings or uninitialized variables, I'm given this in the build log:

  Process terminated with status -1073741510.

Practically it means nothing, but I'm somehow worried about its continuing occurence. What could be the cause? Thanks in advance!
-1073741510 is 0xC000013A. STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT, "{Application Exit by CTRL+C} The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C."
But i didn't entered CTRL+C command while program executing :/
I don't know what to tell you. That's what that status code means.
OMFG, it may sound weird, but i just entered the ctrl+c command and I got : "Process terminated with status 0". Maybe this inversion is because I have an older version of codeblocks.
EDIT: I'm given status 0 at any click of key, excepting when click on close(x) button. Then I'm given the -1073741510 status.
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