I need help on the void insert function please. How do I get it to output the insert and the index function ?
Write a program that creates a vector of strings called V. Vector V grows and shrinks as the user processes the transactions from a data file called “data.txt”. The transaction file can only include three commands: Insert, Delete and Print. With Insert command, you get two more information, the information you need to insert and the position it should be inserted. With Delete, you get one more information that indicates which element (index) should be deleted. Print command means the content of the vector should be printed on the screen. For example, you may have the following information in your file:
Insert Hello 4
Delete 5
Also the directions are saying to Test your program with the following transaction file. But what is a transaction file?
And if it is not to much to ask can I get some feed back from this code like wether or not to have the vector as a constant?
Thanks so much!