Help with my three digit sums and products code.

Hi, I am in need of some quick help with my code. It is supposed to test all three digit numbers for when the sum and product of the individual digits are equal. When I run it as is, it just repeatedly prints 123 (which is the first of the 3 digit numbers to satisfy the conditions). a,b, and c are representing each digit of the number with i representing each the number being tested. All help and advice appreciated! Thank you in advance!

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i;
int sum = 0;
int product = 0;

for (i=100; 100<=i<999; i++) {
	int a = i / 100;
	int b = i % 10;
	int c = (i / 10) % 10; 
	sum = a + b + c;
	product = a * b * c;
	while(sum==product) {
		cout << i << endl;
return 0;
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Can you give us some examples? I don't understand what you say.
Sorry, this is probably poorly coded. However what I'm trying to accomplish is to print the numbers that would satisfy these conditions. For example, 123 would work because:
Could you please give some more examples? One example doesn't cut it.
Sorry about that. It is looking for when the product and sum of the three individual digits are the same.
132: 1+3+2=6, and 1*3*2=6, and 6=6.
231: 2+3+1=6, and 2*3*1=6, and 6=6.

I'm sorry, I'd give more examples but I don't know that there are more than just ones whose digits are 1, 2 and 3.

But what it is supposed to do is print the numbers that have an equal product and sum like the above examples do.
while(sum==product) {
cout << i << endl;

This loops forver because the 2 values in the loop condition never change.
this should be an if statement.
that did it! thank you!
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