I'm an absolute beginner to C++ and started yesterday but I'm trying to solve this issue that I guess is important maybe.
I've browsed the forum a bit and found several threads on how to check if the user input is an int, a string etc... and tried different methods proposed by people but for some reason I can't manage to make it work on my code, when I run de program it simply asks twice for the first variable name (even if the user enters a number/letter/string) and then continues with the rest of the code.
Can you guys help me out? The code is the following:
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main() {
char variableX, variableY;
string inBetweenVariables;
int factorX, factorY;
int factorXResult, factorYResult;
int inBetweenDoubled;
int finalresult;
bool valid = false;
cout << "Enter the name of your first variable (x, a...) : \n";
cin >> variableX;
while (!valid)
valid = true; //Assume the cin will be an integer.
cout << "Enter the name of your first variable (x, a...) : \n";
cin >> variableX;
if(cin.fail()) //cin.fail() checks to see if the value in the cin
//stream is the correct type, if not it returns true,
//false otherwise.
cin.clear(); //This corrects the stream.
cin.ignore(); //This skips the left over stream data.
cout << "Please enter a letter only, not a number or sequence of numbers/letters." << endl;
valid = false; //The cin was not an integer so try again.
cout << "Enter the name of your second variable (y, b...) : \n";
cin >> variableY;
cout << "This program will expand (a+b)^2.\nEnter the factor of " << variableX << " : \n";
cin >> factorX;
cout << "Enter the factor of : " << variableY << "\n";
cin >> factorY;
factorXResult = factorX*factorX;
factorYResult = factorY*factorY;
inBetweenDoubled = 2*factorY*factorX;
cout << factorXResult << variableX << "^2" << " + " << inBetweenDoubled << variableX << variableY << " + " << factorYResult << variableY << "^2\n";
return 0;
I did but then the program simply asks once for the first variable and whatever the input is it accepts it and continues with the rest of the code.
I changed it and tried something else but it still doesn't work and accepts every input :
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main() {
string variableX, variableY;
string inBetweenVariables;
int factorX, factorY;
int factorXResult, factorYResult;
int inBetweenDoubled;
int finalresult;
cout << "Enter the name of your first variable (x, a...) : \n";
cin >> variableX;
while (!cin)
cout << "Please enter a letter only, not a number or sequence of numbers/letters." << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of your first variable (x, a...) : \n";
cin >> variableX;
cout << "Enter the name of your second variable (y, b...) : \n";
cin >> variableY;
cout << "This program will expand (a+b)^2.\nEnter the factor of " << variableX << " : ";
cin >> factorX;
cout << "Enter the factor of : " << variableY;
cin >> factorY;
factorXResult = factorX*factorX;
factorYResult = factorY*factorY;
inBetweenDoubled = 2*factorY*factorX;
cout << factorXResult << variableX << "^2" << " + " << inBetweenDoubled << variableX << variableY << " + " << factorYResult << variableY << "^2\n";
return 0;
The problem you are having is because you redefined "variableX and variableY" as strings from a char. Now line 14 will take and put into "variableX" whatever you type up to either a space or new line character. And if there is a space that will cause a new problem with the next "cin >>". You would do better changing those variables back to a char.
1. the while loop starting at line 15 should follow each "cin >>" to verify what was entered.
2. the cin.ignore(); is more often written std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); this will need the header file "limits".
Note the "std::" qualifier is not needed the way you have used "using namespace std;", but it does not make any difference if you leave it.