Hybrid Car

It is supposed to look like this but for some reason when I enter (total) my code just stops. Im not really sure what I am doing wrong. I know this is a big question to ask but all help is appreciated

The estimated miles driven per year: 15000

The estimated price of a gallon of gas during the 5 years of ownership: -4.53

I'm sorry, you must enter a value bigger than zero. Please try again. Please enter:

The estimated price of a gallon of gas during the 5 years of ownership: 4.53

The initial cost of a hybrid car: 28000

The efficiency of the hybrid car in miles per gallon: 46.5

The estimated resale value (a dollar amount) for a hybrid after 5 years: 16000

The initial cost of a non-hybrid car: 0

I'm sorry, you must enter a value bigger than zero. Please try again. Please enter:

The initial cost of a non-hybrid car: 24000

The efficiency of the non-hybrid car in miles per gallon: 28.5

The estimated resale value (a dollar amount) for a non-hybrid after 5 years: 12000

The user's buying criterion, either minimized gas consumption or total cost (enter Gas or Total): Total

For the Hybrid Car:

The total gallons of fuel consumed over 5 years: 1612.90

The total cost of owning the car for 5 years: 19306.45

For the NON-Hybrid Car:

The total gallons of fuel consumed over 5 years: 2631.58

The total cost of owning the car for 5 years: 23921.05

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
const double YEARS = 5;

cout << "The estimated miles driven per year: "; //Miles driven per year
double miles_per_year;
cin >> miles_per_year;
if (miles_per_year <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> miles_per_year;

cout << "Please enter the estimated price of a gallon during the 5 years of ownership: "; // Price per gallon over 5 years
double price_per_gallon;
cin >> price_per_gallon;
if (price_per_gallon <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> price_per_gallon;

cout << "The initial cost of a hybrid car: ";// initial price of hybrid car
double price_hybrid;
cin >> price_hybrid;
if (price_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> price_hybrid;

cout << "The efficiency of the hybrid car in miles per gallon: ";// efficiency of the hybrid car in miles per gallon
double efficiency_hybrid;
cin >> efficiency_hybrid;
if (efficiency_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> efficiency_hybrid;

cout << "The estimated resale value (a dollar amount) for a hybrid after 5 years: ";// estimated resale value of the hybrid car after 5 years
double resale_hybrid;
cin >> resale_hybrid;
if (resale_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> resale_hybrid;

cout << "The initial cost of a non-hybrid car: ";// initial price of non-hybrid car
double price_non_hybrid;
cin >> price_non_hybrid;
if (price_non_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> price_non_hybrid;

cout << "The efficiency of the non-hybrid car in miles per gallon: ";// efficiency of non-hybrid car
double efficiency_non_hybrid;
cin >> efficiency_non_hybrid;
if (efficiency_non_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> efficiency_non_hybrid;

cout << "The estimated resale value (a dollar amount) for a non-hybrid after 5 years: ";// resale of non-hybrid car
double resale_non_hybrid;
cin >> resale_non_hybrid;
if (resale_non_hybrid <= 0)
cout << "Please enter a positive number: ";
cin >> resale_non_hybrid;

string buyer_criterion; //buyer criterion input
cout << "Minimized gas or minimized total cost (enter \"Gas\" or \"Total\"): ";
cin >> buyer_criterion;

double total_gallons_hybrid = (miles_per_year*YEARS) / efficiency_hybrid; // total gallons hybrid
double total_gallons_non_hybrid = (miles_per_year * YEARS) / efficiency_non_hybrid; //total gallons non-hybrid

double fuel_cost_hybrid = total_gallons_hybrid * price_per_gallon; // total cost hybrid
double depreciation_hybrid = price_hybrid - resale_hybrid;
double total_cost_hybrid = fuel_cost_hybrid + depreciation_hybrid;

double fuel_cost_non_hybrid = total_gallons_non_hybrid * price_per_gallon; //total cost non-hybrid
double depreciation_non_hybrid = price_non_hybrid - resale_non_hybrid;
double total_cost_non_hybrid = fuel_cost_non_hybrid + depreciation_non_hybrid;

if (buyer_criterion == "Gas")
if (total_gallons_hybrid <= total_gallons_non_hybrid)
cout << "Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;

cout << "Non-Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Non-Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_non_hybrid << endl;

cout << "Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;


else if (buyer_criterion == "Total")
if (total_cost_hybrid <= total_cost_non_hybrid)
cout << "For the Hybrid Car: " << endl;
cout << "The total gallons of fuel consumed over 5 years: " << total_gallons_hybrid << endl;
cout << "The total cost of owning the car for 5 years: " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;

cout << "Non-Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Non-Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_non_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_non_hybrid << endl;

cout << "Hybrid Car" << endl;
cout << "Total cost over 5 years: " << total_cost_hybrid << endl;
cout << "Total gallons: " << total_gallons_hybrid << endl;


return 0;

You're program worked fine for me. I used all the inputs you show in your question, and it was fine. So, I'm thinking that you entered "total", and NOT "Total", with a capital 'T'
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