I have coded a function that confirms whether a string of chars is an int or not. But how can I code it to remove the spaces from the string before or after evaluation by the notanint function?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, fgets */
#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi */
usingnamespace std;
int main()
int getanInt(); // function declaration (prototype)
int value;
cout << "Enter an integer value: ";
value = getanInt();
cout << "The integer entered is: " << value << endl;
return 0;
int getanInt()
bool isvalidInt(string); // function declaration (prototype)
bool notanint_spaces_not_removed = true;
bool int_spaces_not_removed = true;
bool int_spaces_removed = false;
string svalue;
string sval_spaces_not_removed;
string sval_spaces_removed;
while (notanint_spaces_not_removed)
cin >> svalue; // accept a string input
if (!isvalidInt(svalue)) throw svalue;
catch (string e)
cout << "Invalid integer - Please reenter: ";
continue; // send control to the while statement
notanint_spaces_not_removed = false;
while (int_spaces_not_removed == true && int_spaces_removed == false)
for (int i = 0; i < svalue.length(); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < sval_spaces_not_removed.length(); i++)
if (!isspace(sval_spaces_not_removed.at(i)))
sval_spaces_removed.at(i) = sval_spaces_not_removed.at(i);
int_spaces_removed = true;
cout << "the new string with spaces removed is" << sval_spaces_removed <<endl;
return atoi(sval_spaces_removed.c_str()); // convert to an integer
bool isvalidInt(string str)
int start = 0;
int i;
bool valid = true; // assume a valid
bool sign = false; // assume no sign
bool spaces = true; // assume spaces
// check for an empty string
if (int(str.length()) == 0) valid = false;
// check for a leading sign
if (str.at(0) == '-'|| str.at(0) == '+')
sign = true;
start = 1; // start checking for digits after the sign
// check that there is at least one character after the sign
if (sign && int(str.length()) == 1)
valid = false;
// now check the string, which you know
// has at least one non-sign character
i = start;
while(valid && i < int(str.length()))
valid = false; //found a non-digit character
cout << "found a non-digit character" << endl;
i++; // move to next character
while (valid && i < int (str.length()))
if (!isspace(str.at(i)))
valid = false;
cout << "found a space" << endl;
return valid;
first, try to use <cstdio> and <cstdlib> ... what you have works on most compilers under most settings but some more strict settings or old compilers can reject it. <cstring> is not <string.h> though (its an exception to the rule)
second, there is an eatwhite function that does this (it may be specific to visual studio, though) and some other freebies that do it as well on various platforms.
There are lots and lots of ways to do this on char arrays. One very simple way is to copy the string from one into another and eliminate the offending character:
y = 0;
for( x = 0; x < strlen(buf1); x++)
if(buf1[x] != ' ')
buf2[y++] = buf1[x];
buf2[y] = 0;
depending on exactly what you are doing, you can also take your number back into a clean string with sprintf if you happen to need/use it as a number anywhere in the code (I shamefully didn't read all that).
Unless this is a learning exercise, you are doing way too much work. I am going to assume it is practice/homework though, unless you ask for more.
But how can I code it to remove the spaces from the string before or after evaluation by the notanint function?
Since you're using the extraction operator>> to get your string you normally won't have any whitespace characters in front of or behind the string. Remember by default the extraction operator stops processing a string when it encounters a whitespace character, and it also skips leading whitespace before the string. But realize that any characters after the first whitespace character will be left in the input buffer for the next input operation. You probably should be using getline() instead of the extraction operator>> to insure you get the whole line that the user enters.
Also since you're using a std::string you can probably simplify the logic of your functions if you use some of the string functions to "search" for improper characters in your string. Look at functions like std::string.find_first_not_of(), .find_first_of(), etc as examples.
Lastly you should be using stoi() (requires a recent C++ compatible compiler compiling as using C++11 or greater standard) instead of atoi(). The stoi() function will also catch some errors you don't appear to be checking, for instance it will catch a value that is too large for your int type if entered.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h> /* printf, fgets */
#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi */
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string.h>
usingnamespace std;
int getanInt(); // function declaration (prototype)
int main()
int value;
cout << "Enter an integer value: ";
value = getanInt();
cout << "The integer entered is: " << value << endl;
return 0;
int getanInt()
bool isvalidInt(string); // function declaration (prototype)
bool notanint = true;
string svalue;
string svalue_new;
char buf1[512];
char buf2[512];
while (notanint)
getline (cin,svalue); // accept a string input
for (int i = 0; i < svalue.length(); i++)
buf1[i] = svalue.at(i);
cout << "Now putting the string into a char array"<<endl;
int y = 0;
int x = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < strlen(buf1); x++) //removing spaces from charr array
if(buf1[x] != ' ')
buf2[x] = buf1[x];
buf2[x] = 0;
// Now re-insert the char array back into the svalue string for further evaluation
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf2); i++)
svalue_new.at(i) = buf2[i];
cout << "New String is now" << svalue_new <<endl;
if (!isvalidInt(svalue_new)) throw svalue_new;
catch (string e)
cout << "Invalid integer - Please reenter: ";
continue; // send control to the while statement
notanint = false;
return atoi(svalue.c_str()); // convert to an integer
bool isvalidInt(string str)
int start = 0;
int i;
bool valid = true; // assume a valid
bool sign = false; // assume no sign
// check for an empty string
if (int(str.length()) == 0) valid = false;
// check for a leading sign
if (str.at(0) == '-'|| str.at(0) == '+')
sign = true;
start = 1; // start checking for digits after the sign
// check that there is at least one character after the sign
if (sign && int(str.length()) == 1)
valid = false;
// now check the string, which you know
// has at least one non-sign character
i = start;
while(valid && i < int(str.length()))
valid = false; //found a non-digit character
i++; // move to next character
return valid;