What is my error?

Pages: 12
helios wrote:
I'm not trolling you.

Oh yes you are; blatantly. All of your comments so far have little twists that a spin doctor / politician would be proud of.

Now you are piling in with a lot more to attract comment. You have trolled numerous times in the past, and have actually admitted that you like it. You are against moderation on this forum.

However what is most annoying, is that you are now attempting to do it to one of our most respected members.

Consider using your talents in a positive way all the time.
You have trolled numerous times in the past, and have actually admitted that you like it. You are against moderation on this forum.
And I suppose you can link to posts of me saying either of these things, right?

Do you have anything to contribute to the conversation or are you just going to throw more baseless accusations? If the latter, you can save your time. I'm not going to respond to them.
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Pages: 12