Hi! I'm a beginner and have an assignment at school. And obviously I have a mistake somewhere, and I can not see where=) I tried to rewrite everything from the beginning, but it still doesn't go for me. Please if you see anything I can improve tell me.
The task I stuck in is to write a loop that would prompt the user to name a file to open, check if it is correct otherwise asks to insert it again until succeed. When I am trying a while loop, it does not let me enter correct info, if I entered it incorrectly. If loop does not go more than once.
Another question is: I need to display all info in separate function but whenever I am getting it program stops.
I tried to insert this function
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The printReport function is displays all
report to user : sorted data, average
and mode.
void printReport( vector<double> numb, double average, double median, double mode)
cout << "************************************************"<<endl;
cout << " Sorted scores are: " << endl;
showOrder ( numb );
cout << "The Average is: " << setprecision(1) << fixed << average << endl;
cout << "The Median is: " << setprecision(1) << fixed << median << endl;
cout << "The Mode is: " << mode << endl;
Write a program that reads a text file containing a set of test scores, calculates the average, median and mode. The file name must be entered by the user. Your program should follow these steps:
1. Ask the user for the file name
2. Read the file name and use it to open the file
3. Check if the file opening was successful. If not, ask the user to enter it again until you succeed.
4. Read all scores to a vector.
5. Sort the data (you will need this for the median)
6. Calculate the average, median and mode
7. Print on the screen:
The scores sorted from least to greatest
The average (rounded to one-decimal place), median(rounded to one-decimal place) and mode
That is what i have so far:
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes:
vector<double> readData();
double calculateAverage (vector<double> , int);
double calculateMedian(vector<double>, int);
double calculateMode(vector<double>, int);
void showOrder ( vector<double>);
int main()
double average, median, mode;
int vSize;
vector<double> numbers(readData());
vSize = numbers.size();
cout << " Sorted scores are: " << endl;
showOrder ( numbers );
average = calculateAverage(numbers, vSize);
cout <<"\nAverage score: "<< setprecision(1) << fixed << average << endl;
median = calculateMedian( numbers, vSize );
cout<< "Median score: "<< setprecision(1) << fixed << median<< endl;
mode = calculateMode(numbers, vSize);
cout<< "Mode score: "<< setprecision(1) << fixed << mode<<endl;
return 0;
The readData Function reads the file
name, use it to open the file, check
if it is correct name of file. Returns
a vector with data from the file
vector <double> readData()
//Ask the user for the file name
vector<double> vecData;
double value;
//Ask the user for the file name
string fileName;
ifstream inFile;
cout << "Enter File Name : ";
getline( cin, fileName );
if (!inFile) // Check if could not open the file
cout << "Error opening " << fileName << " for reading!\n";
while ( inFile >> value )
sort(vecData.begin(), vecData.end());
return vecData;
The calculateAverage function adds all
numbers of a vector and divide amount
by the number of points. returns rounded
by one decimal place.
double calculateAverage( vector<double> vect, int sz)
double total = 0;
double average;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
total += vect[i];
average= total/sz;
return average;
The calculateMedian function receives
sorted vectors and determines the middle
point. If odd number of points - one
median point, if even number than it
returns average of two middle points.
double calculateMedian( vector<double> sorted, int vecSize)
double med;
int m;
m = vecSize/2;
if ( vecSize % 2 == 0)
med = (sorted[m - 1]+ sorted[m + 1])/2;
med = sorted[m];
return med;
The calculateMode function accepts data
vector and size of it as arguments. The
function goes through all data and
returns the data point that is repeated
more often. If more than one occur returns
only one of it and ignore the rest.
double calculateMode (vector<double> num,int vecSize)
double number = num[0];
double mode = number;
int index = 1;
int indexMode = 1;
for (int i=1; i<vecSize; i++)
if (num[i] == number) //count how many times the data point occurs
else // check another data point
if (index > indexMode)
indexMode = index; //count the most often occurring number
mode = number;
index = 1;
number = num[i];
return mode;
void showOrder ( vector<double> num)
for (int index = 0;index < num.size(); index++)
cout << num[index]<< " ";