I want to write to a two dimensional vector that is part of a structure, it is of type boolean, and also, I am using SFML in my project and would like to know how to call functions like sprite.setTexture(texture) , I am just learning about vectors.
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struct maps{
int width;
int height;
Texture Entities;
Texture Wall;
Texture Barrier;
vector<vector<Sprite> > all;
vector<vector<bool> > canGo;
And this is just a snippet of my code:
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maps rtrn;
for (int i = 0; i != width_; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j != height_; ++j)
cout << "ERR";
rtrn.canGo[i][j] = true;
Ok, so I followed all that, and I have been able to compile and run the project, but it will not display anything, this is more SFML based, but can someone still help me?
I have 3 files,