My problems :(
Before 2 weeks my semester started and we got the programming tasks to solve but i newer had before programming lesson in school and cant solve this tasks. I asked a few friends to help me but they do not know or there will not help me.
First task:
Write C + + program that will load a string from the keyboard or the number can be set at the beginning of the program. The program should print screen in which is shown if the string entered is in or not in supported data type INT (eg, the class of characters which is composed of integers, eg, -3, +5.7 are trademarks that belong to the category of INT).
Second task:
Write C + + program that will load a string from the keyboard or the number can be set at the beginning of the program. String consists entirely of parentheses - (), [,], {i}.
Program to print whether the series od brackets is good or not!
A series of brackets is correct if:
1. Has the same number of open and closed parentheses of the same type.
2. There is no overlap (first appeared open, then its corresponding closed parenthesis) Otherwise, a number of brackets is not correct.
(Example: (()[({})()]) is correct, (((([}} is not correct because there is no equal number of open and closed brackets, (([)]) is not correct because there is overlap of brackets and parentheses.
Thanks for any help, any part of the code if it is good is help to me.