C++ Gui

Hey guys, can you guys give me suggestions of where I can find some

good c++ GUI tutorials ?

you can try the "C++ GUI with QT tutorial" playlist by thenewboston.
He has some amazing quality videos on his channel.
Yeah, I checked them out but their is only 14 :(
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We can make c++ gui with visual studio ?
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
You can build GUI interfaces in numerous IDE's, and yes, VS is one of them.

Have you tried QT, Netbeans, Code::Blocks, Eclipse, XCode and so the list goes on. They all have associated tutorials and some and pointers to books etc wher you can get more information.
You have to decide upon a toolkit and Qt is one of them.

It also seems the most popular - at least for C++.
(Is this true?)

Some other toolkit I can remember on top of my head:
* wxWidgets
* gtkmm

You can also opt for bare bones Win32 API but it's 2017.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Qt Creator is excellent.

VS has a new preview for mac/linux version but how good that is I don't know https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-mac/
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