getline function is giving unexpected results!!

I have used this function many times but for some reason I am not getting what I expect. I am writing a parser program, everything is working well but when I tried to get the first lexeme (word or operator) the program kept returning { which was not in the input file, I then tried to use getline() and I got this as a result: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf540

Does anyone have any idea why this occurred?? I am using a mac and i was not sure if using an rtf file as my input file made a difference

Here is the main function:

ifstream datafile ("dataFile.rtf");
string line;

if (datafile.is_open())
while (! datafile.eof())
//char temp;
//temp = datafile.get();
// cout << temp << endl;

getline (datafile, line);
cout << line << endl;


while (nextToken != EOF);


} else {

cout << "ERROR - cannot open data.rtf \n";



Duplicate! Don't respond to this one. It is in the general C++ forum.
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