Using ifstream and ofstream with arrays in C++

Problem solved, thanks guys.
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Let me guess. You're getting compiler errors about copy constructors being private, aren't you?
readFile() and writeFile() should take references to streams, not copies (i.e. 'std::ifstream &' and 'std::ofstream &', not 'std::ifstream' and 'std::ofstream'). Otherwise, you're telling the compiler that you want to copy the objects, and std::streams can't be copied.
Yes, I am.

So should I take the stuff and stuff outta the functions since they were already opened in the int main?

Yes, that too.
When you are talking about std::streams,

Your i.e., are you suggesting that I change my function parameters to ifstream inFile& and ofstream outFile&, or.. something like just ofstream& and ifstream&?
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