File deletes contents after closing program when it should stay saved.

I initially had it so that the contents stored in the names & scores files would save even after closing the program. Now, something went wrong and the files delete their contents after closing the program and I don't know why.

Here's my code. You can check out what's going on for yourself.

To win a game quickly, just pick a difficulty, and during the game input '+'. That will give away the answer so that you can win quickly and get a score logged into the scoreboard.

As you can see I've been trying to pinpoint the issue with some test prints.
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To avoid that the content is deleted use std::ofstream::app:
I used it but it didn't help.

I edited it a bit but now it deletes scores one by one every time I call to print it after restarting the program. So, similar problem. It doesn't completely clear the score files after turning off the program like it did before.
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