So I've been scouring the internet for awhile now and have read pretty much everything that has come up, but I'm afraid I still haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm describing it incorrectly in my searches on Google? As I'm still a noob, that's probably the case. Basically, my question is - how do I read an input file containing a text with different data types not separated by spaces i.e.,
B45897 18 9
? Also, not only am I trying to read this, but I'm also trying to separate the char (B) from the next five integers because I need to do something else with it later.
As I mentioned, I've read quite a bit and I found that I can use getline, i.e.,
while( ! getline(inf, name, '|').eof() )
but if possible, I'd rather keep the delimiter out of my input file. This is where I'm stuck.