// Creates a new context object with the specified |settings| and optional
// |handler|.
CEF_EXPORT cef_request_context_t* cef_request_context_create_context(
conststruct _cef_request_context_settings_t* settings,
struct _cef_request_context_handler_t* handler);
I am referencing the Above Code in my application. Of course I want to create and use this object with as little overhead as possible. But I am not sure how this piece of code actually creates "a new context object," as the comment states. There are pointers to structs but how or where does the object actually get created?
The above function is implemented below. I could not find a direct implementation of the header file. but the "request_context_ctocpp.h" file overrides the function and includes the "cef_request_context_capi.h" file from above in its own header.
Point being, The implementation has a return value. Does declaring and returning struct actually create an object? Isn't that basically what is happening here. if so, doesn't that blur the line between variable and object?