Unresolved External Symbols

So average stuff going on with me trying to figure out the errors I've got and then I got a new error saying there were unresolved External symbols. Any ideas>
(I have enough code that it wont all show here, so I'm posting the source.cpp here and ill fit one header file with it and the rest Ill comment)

#pragma once
#include <string>
#ifndef WEAPONS_H
#define WEAPONS_H
//Melee first, beginning with swords
class swords
void setSwordDamage(float const strengthEffect, float const sharpnessEffect)
sworddamage = (strengthEffect + sharpnessEffect)*3;
float getSwordDamage() const
return sworddamage;
void setSwordDurability(float const x)
sworddurability = x;
float getSwordDurability() const
return sworddurability;
void setSwordLength(float x)
length = x;
float getSwordLength()
return length;
float getSwordWeight()
return (getSwordDamage() + getSwordDurability() + getSwordLength()) / 3.0f;
float sworddamage;
float sworddurability;
float length;
float swordweight;

//wand class

class wand
void setWandRange(int varX, int level)
wandrange = varX * level;
int getWandRange()
return wandrange;
void setWandDurability(int const varX)
wanddurability = varX;
int getWandDurability() const
return wanddurability;
void setWandEffect(std::string const effect)
wandeffect = effect;
std::string getWandEffect() const
return wandeffect;
void setWandWeight(float const varX)
wandweight = varX;
float getWandWeight() const
return wandweight;
int wandrange;
int wanddurability;
int wanddamage;
float wandweight;
//Effect of slowness, fire, poison, and summoning.
std::string wandeffect;


class bow
void setBowRange(int varX, int level)
bowrange = (varX * level);
int getBowRange()
return bowrange;
void setBowDurability(int varX)
bowdurability = varX;
int getBowDurability()
return bowdurability;
void setBowAccuracy(float varX, float varY, float bowdurabilityoriginal, float level)
if (bowdurability/bowdurabilityoriginal > 0.75)
bowaccuracy = ((varX + varY) * level) / 100;
if (bowaccuracy > 1)
bowaccuracy = 1;
else if (bowdurability / bowdurabilityoriginal > 0.5)
bowaccuracy = ((varX + varY) * level) / 200;
if (bowaccuracy > 0.6)
bowaccuracy = 0.6;
bowaccuracy = ((varX + varY) * level) / 400;
if (bowaccuracy > 0.4)
bowaccuracy > 0.4;
float getBowAccuracy()
return bowaccuracy;
void setBowDamage(float varX, float varY, float durabilityoriginal, float level)
if (level >= 1 && level <= 10)
bowdamage = (varX * varY) * (getBowDurability() / durabilityoriginal);
else if (level >= 11 && level <= 25)
bowdamage = ((varX * varY) * (getBowDurability() / durabilityoriginal)) *(level - 10);
bowdamage = ((varX * varY) * (getBowDurability() / durabilityoriginal)) * (level - 10) * 2;
float getBowDamage()
return bowdamage;
int setBowAmmo(int ammo)
bowammo = ammo;
int getBowAmmo()
return bowammo;
int setBowWeight(float weight)
bowweight = weight;
float getBowWeight()
return bowweight;
int bowrange;
int bowdurability;
float bowaccuracy;
float bowdamage;
int bowammo;
float bowweight;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Weapons.h"
#include "Enemies.h"
#include "Consumables.h"

int PlayerLevel = 2;
int healthpotcount = 0;
int money = 0;
std::string name;
std::string choice1;
char choice2;
std::string choice3;
std::string choice4;
//will be completed once all variables and classes are completed.
void shopkeep(int money, int invspace, std::string name, std::string classname);

int main()
long PlayerLevel = 50;
int strength = 5;
int numofattackonweapon;
swords TrainingSword;
TrainingSword.setSwordDamage(strength, 10);
landenemy Muural;
Muural.SetEnemyDamage(6, 4, 3, PlayerLevel);
std::cout << "Muural deals " << Muural.GetEnemyDamage() << " damage at level 2." << std::endl;
std::cout << TrainingSword.getSwordWeight() << std::endl;
std::cin >> money;
return 0;
Other two header files:
#pragma once

class consumables
void setPrice(int varX)
price = varX;
int getPrice()
return price;
void setHealthIncrease(int varX)
healthincrease = varX;
int getHealthIncrease()
return healthincrease;
void setWeight(int varX)
weight = varX;
int getWeight()
return weight;
int price;
int healthincrease;
int weight;


#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#ifndef ENEMIES_H
#define ENEMIES_H
//Enemies, beginning with land based entities
class landenemy
void SetEnemyLevel(int playerlevel)
EnemyLevel = playerlevel;
int GetEnemyLevel()
return EnemyLevel;
void SetEnemyDamage(float DamageVarX, float DamageVarY, float DamageVarZ, float level)

if (level >= 1 && level <= 10)
enemydamage = (DamageVarX * DamageVarY)*(DamageVarZ / DamageVarX);
else if (level >= 11 && level <= 25)
enemydamage = (DamageVarX*(DamageVarZ) * DamageVarY) + ((pow(1.5 , (level - DamageVarY))) / DamageVarZ);
enemydamage = (DamageVarX*DamageVarY) + (level*DamageVarZ)*((pow(3,(DamageVarY)))/(pow(2,(DamageVarY)))/3);
float GetEnemyDamage()
return enemydamage;
void SetEnemyHealth(float HealthVarX, float HealthVarY, float level)
if (level >= 1 && level <= 10)
enemyhealth = ((HealthVarX + HealthVarY)*level) / 2;
else if (level >= 11 && level <= 25)
enemyhealth = ((HealthVarX + HealthVarY)*level) * 2 * HealthVarX;
enemyhealth = ((HealthVarX - HealthVarY)*level - HealthVarX);
float GetEnemyHealth()
return enemyhealth;
void SetEnemyDefense(int enemylevel)
enemydefense = enemylevel;
int GetEnemyDefense()
return enemydefense;
void SetEnemySpeed(float enemydamage)
enemyspeed = enemydamage / 100;
if (enemyspeed > 0.5)
enemyspeed = 0.5 * enemyspeed;
if (enemyspeed > 0.5)
enemyspeed = 0.5;
float GetEnemySpeed()
return enemyspeed;
void SetEnemyDistance(int level)
level = level + 5;
enemydistance = rand() % level;
int GetEnemyDistance()
return enemydistance;
void setexperiencedrop(int varX, int varY, int level)
if (level >= 5)
experiencedrop = varX;
experiencedrop = varX*(level - varY);
int getExperienceDrop()
return experiencedrop;
void setMoneyDrop(int varX)
moneydrop = varX;
int getMoneyDrop()
return moneydrop;
float enemyhealth;
float enemydamage;
int enemydefense;
int EnemyLevel;
float enemyspeed;
int enemydistance;
int experiencedrop;
int moneydrop;
std::string name;

What would allow us to help you most would be if you posted the most relevant piece of information, namely the error itself.
Ok, well I should have sorry there, anyways here is the error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl shopkeep(int,int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?shopkeep@@YAXHHV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@0@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl shopkeep(int,int,int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?shopkeep@@YAXHHHV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@0@Z) Project4 C:\Users\moose\OneDrive\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Project4\Project4\Source.obj 1

So, now reading through this I'm noticing shopkeep is mentioned and that was a function I was going to finish later, and so I should have commented it out. I'm gonna try that out and if that solves this problem ill mark this as resolved.
That did solve it...so yea this was me being stupid and not commenting out a function I knew I was gonna save for later, so yea.
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