Couldn't figure out a way to make a functional fstream

Sorry I am just a beginner at C++! I wanted to print movie tickets which will include name, the movie selected and the movie timeslot! :C But having trouble as my lecturer did not specify how to use it.

Here's a link to download the cpp file

Please help or give guidance thank you very much!
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
So what's the story? The cpp file was prepared by you or your lecturer?
Use <cstdlib> instead of <stdlib.h>. You should use the standard C++ libraries.
I wrote the cpp file. I just need to do fstream, creating txt file that indicates the name, movie title and the movie timeslot!
closed account (48T7M4Gy)

Try this tutorial. There are simple samples that show you what to do depending on whteher you want to prepare a text file with the movie details, or read the details in from the file.
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