Parking Space Program

Hi, I am a fairly new c++ coder and am being asked to create a program that will track use of a parking lot. There are a fixed number of spots and there are less people than there are spots and they can have a many to many relationship, or people can share spots ( I guess its supposed to be like when people dont come to work on the same day they can each use the spot at different times). And I have to keep track of how many empty spots there are as well as occupied spots. My teacher gave us some code that is in a language called Z; its solely a specification language and is only useful for defining things. This class does not require much c++ knowledge, but this assignment most likely will. Here is what I have so far, any suggestions on where to go next?
  #include <iostream>
  #include <string>
using namespace std;

string Person [];
int pSpace [];
string Possible_Messages [] = {"ok", "already_assigned", "unknown_person", unknown_space"}; 
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