How would it be possible to check the correctness of the a Sudoku board for inconsistencies, especially in the event that a number is removed from the board. User defined classes have been included in the code for better description of the problem.
class cell{
bool m_occu; //occupied is shown '.'
int m_num;
cell() : m_occu(false), m_num(0) {}
void setMark(constint num){m_num = num; m_occu = true;}
bool isMarked() const { return m_occu; }
int getNum(){ return m_num;}
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& o, const cell& c){
if (!c.m_occu) return o << setw(2) << '-';
return o << setw(2) << c.m_num;
class board {
vector<vector <cell> >m_map;
bool col_row;
board() {
vector<cell> a_row(9);
col_row = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
random_shuffle(a_row.begin(), a_row.end());
bool verify()
// check rows
int compareNUM = 0;
for(int row = 0; row < 9; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < 9; col++)
compareNUM = m_map[row][col].getNum();
// compares first element in every row with every other element in the same row.
// However, issue is comparing compareNUM variable to itself in this loop.
// come up with condition to handle comparison to itself. Will always return false
// if not handled.
for(int iter = 8 - col; iter <= 8; iter--)
if(compareNUM == m_map[row][iter].getNum())
//check cols
The following is incomplete and I need to be able to verify both columns and rows for inconsistencies.
Below is a sample:
P 3 4 5 9 1 - 7 6 8
Q 6 7 8 3 4 5 1 9 2
R 9 1 2 6 7 8 4 3 5
S 2 3 4 8 9 1 6 5 7
T 5 6 7 2 3 4 9 8 1
U 8 9 1 5 6 7 3 2 4
V 1 2 3 7 8 9 5 4 6
W 4 5 6 1 2 3 8 7 9
X - 8 9 4 5 6 2 1 3
> verify
- Found inconsistency in row P...
- Found inconsistency in row X...
- Found inconsistency in column A...
- Found inconsistency in column F...
- Found inconsistency in component starting at row P and column D...
- Found inconsistency in component starting at row V and column A...
> quit
I don't understand what is inconsistent about the puzzle. It's solvable, and has exactly one solution.
If by verify you mean "check for a complete solution", I suppose I understand the first four lines of output, but you still need to explain what's inconsistent about row P and column D, row V and column A.
My apologies for the lack of clarity, by inconsistency I mean that the program must be able to check to see which block of 3 x 3 has a missing number.
Part of the code includes a function that replaces a cell of type cell with value of 0 which is then shown as "-" via ostream.
For example: if the "-" was in the 3x3 block from Row P, Col D to Row V, Col A, then then the program notes the inconsistency or if there is a number repetition in the same 3x3 block then once again program says inconsistency.
Add all the values into a set, then check the size of the set.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
auto s = std::set <short>{};
while (is_valid(i) && s.insert(i).second) {
// ...advance i to the next element you need to check
if (! is_valid(i)) /* ...node consistency constraint violation at row x, y */
if (s.size() < n) /* ...alldifferent constraint violation at row x, y */
else { /* no error */ }