I am working on a homework problem and am stuck on something. My program is supposed to take an expression such as the one that follows:
5 + 3 * 2 + 4 / 1 + 1
The code is supposed to evaluate the expression properly obeying all of the rules of mathematics. So far I have my program to where it will strip the numbers and symbols apart and put them into a vector which gives me the following output:
5 3 2 4 1 1 + * + / +
I figure that I can use this to then evaluate the expression. The problem is that my teacher requires me to use the following function header to recursively perform the math:
double evaluateExpression(string exp)
I believe that I need to copy the vector into an array and send it to the evaluateExpression function, but I am not sure how to copy the vector into a string array. Any advice?
I excluded the code which reorganizes the expression as I feel like it was not necessary to include.
int main()
cout << "Enter an expression: ";
string input;
getline(cin, input);
vector<string> splitVector;
splitVector = split(input);
for (unsignedint i = 0; i < splitVector.size(); i++)
cout << splitVector.at(i) << " ";
cout << endl;
//Copy vector to array and then send it to method to be calculated
double sum = 0;
sum = evaluateExpression(splitVector);
return 0;
double evaluateExpression(string exp)
The output is not correct because it does not take the precedence into acount.
It should be:
3 2 5 ... * + ...
because the multiplication has do be done first.
The steps in evaluateExpression(...) is as follows:
- split the string
- find the next expression with the highes or same precedence (3 * 2)
- do the calculation -> 6
- form a string without the calculated expressin (5 + 4 / 1 + 1) and without the next operator (+)
- call evaluateExpression(...) with the reduced string (5 + 4 / 1 + 1)
- calculate the result according to the next operator (+)
I was going to put the vector output in a string and then have the evaluateExpression function determine precedence and perform the calculations appropriately. But perhaps this is the wrong way.