#include <iostream>
int main()
// initialize int "multiplesOf3" to 3 and increment by 3 until 39
for (int multiplesOf3 = 3; multiplesOf3 != 42; multiplesOf3 += 3)
// print current value of "multiplesOf3"
// flush stream so it is printed
std::cout << multiplesOf3 << ' ' << std::flush;
std::cin.get(); // pause
return 0;
For loops are most often used to create bits of code that will run a specific number of times. for instance, if you want to count up from 0 to 5 you could use the code below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
int mail()
for (x=0; x<6; x++)
cout << x << endl;
all this code does is enter the for loop. in the for loop it creates a variable (called x) and sets it to 0. Than it checks if x is less than 6 (setting an exit point for the loop). and finaly if x is less than 6 will run the code (cout << x << endl;) and increase x by 1.
Knowing this you can write your own code to count by 3 by changing the x++ to x+=3.