Letter Frequency Analysis Help!

I have no idea on how to go about solving this! Help would you appreciated :(

Letter frequency analysis. Write a function or series of function that
when used will create a letter frequency analysis file. The function should
take a string as a parameter. It should process this string one character
at a time. The function(s) should create and output a file containing the
string analyzed and letter frequency analysis of that string. Your
frequencies should add up to 1.0 or 100% depending on implementation.

Think how you would do it by hand. You would probably keep a tally for each letter - just what integer arrays could do.

You can traverse a string character by character using the usual [] array syntax.

Frequency ratios? Divide by total ( but watch out for integer division). Percentages? Multiply the frequency ratios by 100.

What is the input? Your string.
What is the output? The array of frequencies.
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