2 languages at once

How easy (or difficult) is it to learn 2 languages at the same time. So like I already know a fair bit of Python, will I be able to get a firm grip on C++ as Well?
Just think of it as learning Object Oriented Programming and the language is interchangeable. Once you know how to program, you can just google the syntax.
So as long as I know the logic behind it all, I can get the syntax from the internet?
Your questions don't make sense.

So like I already know a fair bit of Python, will I be able to get a firm grip on C++ as Well?
It depends entirely on your capability. Python may help or not.

So as long as I know the logic behind it all, I can get the syntax from the internet?
You can find anything you need to know about C++ in the internet. You logic does not change that.
No, so as long as I know computer logic, I'm "half way there"
No, so as long as I know computer logic, I'm "half way there"

As long as you are adept at programming you should have no problem picking up a new language (although some will be more difficult than others.) The way you are phrasing things suggests this isn't the case for you, but experience with another language is still definitely a plus.
Well I'm fairly good at python, definitely more than English for sure
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