New OS anyone?

So basically, I'm new to C++, and I was wondering if anybody is interested in creating a new operating system from scratch?

If so please email me at

This task is actually impossible and beyond impossible for a person with lack of programming language skills (C, C++).
Creating a new operating system from scratch would take ages. I mean ages. Take a look at the Linux kernel: to get an idea of how long it would take. I know that the very first release of the Linux kernel was much smaller than it is now, but if you want to make a reliable kernel that will easily support hardware you are looking at spending years programming.
Yeah I agree. I mean like I don't mind spending years programming, but if we got a team of maybe about 6 or 7 people, wouldn't it be quicker, like I'm only 15, so by the time its finished i would probably be around 24 or 26 anyways!
Making an entire OS is not cost-effective and you will encounter many risks. You have been warned.

If you are fine with such daunting tasks, go for it.
Yeah I'm up for the adventure bro!

One thing, why were windows and OSX so successful?
if we got a team of maybe about 6 or 7 people, wouldn't it be quicker, like I'm only 15, so by the time its finished i would probably be around 24 or 26 anyways

Um no. People are not going to want to work for you for over 10 years if they are not going to get paid a decent salary. According to, The Linux kernel 4.5.3 has nearly 17 million lines of code. If you were to write a Kernel, you also have to fix bugs which would be a nightmare.
You couldn't create an OS and be done with it, you would have to work on it for the rest of your life fixing bugs and creating updates.
Yeah I'm up for the adventure bro!

You would probably get sick of it after a day or two. I really don't want to be mean, but this won't work out. Unless you are really, really smart, a 15-year-old kid will not be able to create a major operating system. Windows and OSX are very successful due to the fact that they have been around for a long time, so there are lots of power users who are comfortable with the OS and a VERY large percentage (99%) of software is designed for Windows or OSX.
So basically, I'm new to C++

Start small if you are new, creating an OS is a challenge even for people with decades of experience.
Well what if it's open source?
Well what if it's open source?
Just because something is open source, it does not mean that you won't have to work for years and years. It also doesn't mean that random people will just make you an OS.
I was on about in terms of pay, would I still have to pay
You would need at least 10000$ for an operating system.
With your exceptional talent (if any), I think you can cut down the cost by 50%, but in the future you will just do 200% more work and get older faster by 50%.
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I was on about in terms of pay, would I still have to pay
Open source does not mean that people will just make you an OS, or work for you for free.
So basically, I'm new to C++

C was made to create OS's back when assembly was the main language for that.
The advantage of C is that it's portable to different hardware.

Since there are about a thousand OS's currently and multiple versions of the same, I'd recommend working on one of those. In a few years, if you work really hard you might be ready to create your own.

Why not explore and learn all the current OS versions, their features and limits before you embark on this quest. Either way, good luck.
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Thanks bro, at least someone wishes me good luck ;-)
iv actually wanted to for a couple of years now although i wouldnt do it from scratch because like orangepeel said "Start small if you are new, creating an OS is a challenge even for people with decades of experience." but id at least try to make a linux distro from src.
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