Unable to program PIC10F204

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I am making a capacitive touch sensor board like microchip's demo board.
I downloaded the demo code and replicated the PCBA using schematic obtained from microchip.
When I program the PIC10F204(http://www.kynix.com/Detail/32205/PIC10F204T-I.html) using MPLAB X IDE and PICkit 3, it says "Program complete".
However, if I read the binary back from my PIC10F204, the checksum is incorrect.
Even if I erase the chip, the binary read back is still the same.

It looks like programing has never been done but it does say "Program complete".
I also tried to use MPLAB X IPE to download Microchip's demo hex file. The result is still the same.
I have connected my board to 5V (3.3V to PIC10F after LDO) and MPLAB X IPE does recognize the device.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
This is quite urgent to my project now.
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