Thank you very much Arslan, I'll be trying it in just a second.
Sakurasou, no sweat if the mathematics is going over your head. I should have clarified the technical language.
Arslan, I think I need to explain how the file is structured a bit more clearly, since the solution you gave returns no output when I test it. Here is a better explanation.
Every STL file begins with:
This block repeats thousands of times within the average file:
facet normal x y z
outer loop
vertex v1x v1y v1z
vertex v2x v2y v2z
vertex v3x v3y v3z
endfacet |
Every STL file ends with:
As I feared, I think this is going to be more complex than looking for spaces, and might require a ton of nested if statements to sort these blocks into the output needed.
Of course this is all speculation - I don't have the experience needed to put my thoughts into code quite yet.
Thanks for the quick replies from everyone, hopefully this isn't too much of an obstacle.