So I want to create a file to output some information into and want to include to user inputted strings in the name.
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ofstream gamefile
string team1;
string team2;
cout << "Please input the team names:" << endl << "Team 1: " << endl;
cin >> team1;
cout << "Team 2: " << endl;
cin << team2; (team1 "@" team2 ".txt", ios::app);
So team1 and team2 are inputted user strings while @, .txt I need to add in.
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What file are you trying to open?
I'm trying to create a file named "[team1]@[team2].txt" and then print information into it.
std::ofstream gamefile(team1 + '@' + team2 + ".txt", std::ios::app);
or + '@' + team2 + ".txt", std::ios::app);
on an already existing stream.
Prefer the first where possible.
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