I'm sure it's something simple that I'm just overlooking but I'm going crazy trying to figure out why this isn't working. I'm currently reading through a beginner c++ book and trying to make an ATM program where in a while loop, you can make deposits or withdrawals and the program keeps an updated balance.
This code isn't finished obviously, only the deposit if statement is coded. However, if you choose deposit, and enter a number, it adds the number to the balance, displays the new balance, asks if you want to make another transaction, and then the program ends without getting input or looping back.
However, if you choose "withdraw" which is a valid option, but not coded yet, it passes all the if statements, asks if you want to make another transaction, and does take input and loop back to the menu. This makes me think that I'm looping it back right, but something with the if statement for deposit is doing something strange that I'm not seeing.
Anyways, here is the code:
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//ATM program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float balance = 0;
float newBalance = 0;
float adjustment = 0;
char response[256];
string restart;
cout << "Do you have a transaction to make? : ";
for(int i = 0; i < restart.length(); i++)
restart[i] = toupper(restart[i]);
while(restart == "YES" | restart == "Y") {
cout << endl << "What would you like to do? (1 = Deposit , 2 = Withdraw , 3 = Get Balance)> ";
if(strlen(response) == 0) {
cout << "You must make a selection!" << endl;
return 1;
if(atoi(response) < 1 | atoi(response) > 3) {
cout << response << " - is not a valid selection!" << endl;
return 1;
// Deposits
if (atoi(response) == 1) {
cout << "How much would you like to deposit?: ";
cin >> adjustment;
newBalance = balance + adjustment;
cout << endl << endl << "Thank you for your deposit!" << endl;
cout << "Your previous balance was : " << balance << endl;
cout << "You deposited : " << adjustment << endl;
cout << "Your new balance is : " << newBalance << endl << endl;
cout << "Would you like to make another transaction? : ";
for(int i = 0; i < restart.length(); i++)
restart[i] = toupper(restart[i]);
}//end of while
return 0;
}//end of main
Here is the output to show what I'm talking about:
XXXX@XXXX:~/cpp/prac$ ./bank
Do you have a transaction to make? : yes
What would you like to do? (1 = Deposit , 2 = Withdraw , 3 = Get Balance)> 2
Would you like to make another transaction? : yes
What would you like to do? (1 = Deposit , 2 = Withdraw , 3 = Get Balance)> 1
How much would you like to deposit?: 150
Thank you for your deposit!
Your previous balance was : 0
You deposited : 150
Your new balance is : 150
Would you like to make another transaction? : XXXX@XXXX:~/cpp/prac$