Game Entrance Help

Hi guys, can anyone help?
I'm struggling with, in the beginning of the game, where it says "Press X to join game" how can, if someone were to say press 'B' how could I keep it from going to a different question?
You'll see, just press any letter when it says press X. Thanks...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()

//I am a beast kids - Opening
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" << endl;
cout << " The Puzzle of Death" << endl;
cout << " ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;

cout << " Please choose either A - B - C to answer the question" << endl;
cout << " ...Good luck..." << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " - Press 'X' to Begin Game - " << endl;
string answer;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "x")

cout << " " << endl;
cout << "It is the year 2110. You are alone in your home, late at night." << endl;
cout << "You are sitting in bed, on your iPhone 23 listening to music with your AirPods" << endl;
cout << "All of a sudden comes a huge BANG! on the door...the noise continues" << endl;
cout << "You look out the little window at the top, praying for it to be your friend, Joe" << endl;
cout << "Thank God, you think, it is Joe. He doesn't look right. He's pale..." << endl;

cout << "What do you do? A - Open Door B - Call for help";
string answer;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "a")

cout << "Joe hits you with a shovel, right over the head.";
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;

else {
cout << "_________________________________________________________________________________" << endl;
cout << "You call for help as you go to the basement and lock all the doors behind you...uh oh" << endl;
cout << "Your mom picks up the phone, you tell her to get to the house immediatley" << endl;
cout << "Meanwhile, more and more banging comes from upstairs..." << endl;
cout << "Do you A - Run out back door or B - Stay put" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "b")
cout << "Joe enters, looking for you. You scream, black out. Your dead." << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
else {
cout << "Yo man! Joe yells at you, he begins running after you!" << endl;
cout << "What do you do?" << endl;
cout << "Do you A - Stop and speak with Joe or B - Run away to your mom who just pulled in";


cin >> answer;
if (answer == "A")
cout << "Joe stabs you with a machetti; it's over..." << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
cout << "MOM! Whats going on around this place?!" << endl;
cout << "Idk honey, havent been here for a few hours...What happened?" << endl;
cout << "I think someone is haunting, my friend Joe? He is acting super odd" << endl;
cout << "In what way? Joe is a good kid!" << endl;
cout << "Well, mom, he had a knife. He scared me so bad I ran out here..." << endl;
cout << "Alright honey, what do you suppose we do?" << endl;
cout << "A - Leave to find your father B - Investigate C - Call or Help " << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "b")
cout << "You get out of the car, and investigate for Joe..." << endl;
cout << "Your mother goes right and you go left" << endl;
cout << "You hear a shreik and run to the east side of the home" << endl;
cout << "There is your mother, a hole in her chest, dead from a gunshot wound" << endl;
cout << "You search for Joe, ready to kill him now!" << endl;
cout << "Then, you see him, you let him know he is about to die" << endl;
cout << "Then, you realize you are the smartest person ever: No Weapon!" << endl;
cout << "Immediatley Joe rushes you, stabs you in the heart." << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;

else if (answer == "a")
cout << "You begin driving to find your dad. Where could he be?" << endl;
cout << "You decide to call him, but as you pick up your phone, someone else calls..." << endl;
cout << "It reads 'Joeey. You answer...:" << endl;
cout << "Hey Joe, how ya feelin?" << endl;
cout << "DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!" << endl;
cout << "Immediatley you know now that Joe is a dangerous man.." << endl;
cout << "CRASH! The car window breaks with a smash, you see a weilded knife!";
cout << "Joe stabs your mother, and then you, you bleed out and then, die." << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
cout << "You drive off to a nearby WalMart to stay safe" << endl;
cout << "You lookup the local police stations number and call them" << endl;
cout << "You let them know and ask them to investigate the suspucious activity." << endl;
cout << "Now you must decide, do you A - go to the house and wait for police?" << endl;
cout << "or B - Hang tight until help arrives at your home?" << endl;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == "a")
cout << "You drive home and hope that you'll be safe..." << endl;
cout << "You show up, seeing that the police have arrived..." << endl;
cout << "Great, you think, I'm safe...but no" << endl;
cout << "Thats not the police, thats Joe...and a friend..." << endl;
cout << "His friend walks up to you and you try to drive but you can't." << endl;
cout << "He takes a Revolver 46x Sniper 49 Roll Tide to your face.." << endl;
cout << "He shoots you between the eyes..." << endl;
cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
cout << "You wait at WalMart for a call from the police," << endl;
cout << "They finally call, you pick up the hear Joe's voice.." << endl;
cout << "DEATH DEATH DEATH! screams Joe.." << endl;
cout << "You scream so loud that a WalMart attendant comes to see you..." << endl;
cout << "Like most WalMateers she is a solid 415lbs and 65 years old..." << endl;
cout << "She comes out on an electric cart and asks why you screamed..." << endl;
cout << "You explain to her that your grandmother just died, since you shouldn't tell anyone.." << endl;
cout << "She pops a Machetti out from under her cart..uh oh" << endl;
cout << "She takes it to your stomach, and stabs you die..." << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cout << "- GAME OVER - " << endl;
cout << "Don't worry, you picked the right answer, but this game had to end somewhere " << endl;
cout << "I hope it was a good run, and congrats on winning!" << endl;
cout << "Please give Feedback and I'll be making more games soon!" << endl;
cout << "Thanks - Quinn" << endl;
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