Function SOMETIMES returns incorrect value
Oct 17, 2016 at 11:41pm UTC
Hello, for a project I made, I am using a function that determines the distance between two places on a map based on their latitude and longitude, returning their distance in miles. However, we were given examples of correct comparisons, and some of them I get right, others I do not.
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double calculateDifference(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
double dlon;
double dlat;
double a, c, r, distance;
r = 3959.9;
double pi = 3.14159265;
dlat = (lat1 - lat2);
dlon = (lon1 - lon2);
a = pow(sin(((dlat*pi/180)/2)),2) + cos(lat1*pi/180) * cos(lat2*pi/180)
* pow(sin(((dlon*pi/180)/2)),2);
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a));
distance = r * c;
return distance;
This is how the function should be written. When I put in the location for say, LAX and Kahului Airport, I get the correct miles back (2483.3)
But when I put in LAX and compare it to Sao Paolo, I get back like 5000 miles, when it should be (6164.9)
Last edited on Oct 18, 2016 at 12:13am UTC
Oct 18, 2016 at 3:21am UTC
Seems to work fine for me.
distance between (33.9416, -118.409) and (-23.5505, -46.6333) = 6161.77 miles
If you use constants, declare them as
const double r{ 3959.9 }, pi{ 3.14159265 };
It's always a good idea to keep variables of the same type together and to initialise them.
double dlon{}, dlat{}, a{}, c{}, distance{};
This piece of code is unreadable, with all the parentheses.
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a = pow(sin(((dlat*pi/180)/2)),2) + cos(lat1*pi/180) * cos(lat2*pi/180)
* pow(sin(((dlon*pi/180)/2)),2);
I'd recommend you do something like this:
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dlat = (lat1-lat2) * pi/180;
dlon = (lon1-lon2) * pi/180;
lat1 *= pi/180;
lat2 *= pi/180;
a = pow( sin( dlat/2 ), 2 ) + cos( lat1 ) * cos( lat2 ) * pow( sin( dlon/2 ), 2 );
This makes the code much more readable, especially when you're debugging.
Maybe use an array or class/struct to store each of the latitude/longitudes?
double calcDist( double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2 )
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double calcDist( const double from[2], const double to[2] )
// ...
int main()
const double pos1[]{ 33.9416, -118.4085 }, pos2[]{ -23.5505, -46.6333 };
std::cout << "distance between (" << pos1[0] << ", " << pos1[1] << ") and (" << pos2[0] << ", " << pos2[1] << ") = " << calcDist( pos1, pos2 ) << " miles\n" ;
Last edited on Oct 18, 2016 at 3:23am UTC
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