New to C++ and need some guidance

Evening everyone,

I am new to the site here and C++ programming as well. Years ago I use to program in BASIC and Visual Basic but have been out of the loop for many years. Recently the programming bug has bit me again and I want to get back into what I use to enjoy doing...Programming.

Since I have never used C++ before I was wondering if anyone could give some good advice on where to get some good information. Of course this site is my first choice lol.Basically what I am looking for is:

1. Are there any good books on c++ i should look into
2. I Will be using Visual C++ 2008 Express to get started
3. Want to try my hand and a designing a web browsing program so are there any "Extra's" I may need to do this.

Any helpful information would be greatly appreciate. I look forward to be active as possible here and hopefully get to the point where i can contribute to the boards as well.

Have a great evening everyone :-)
Good to hear, I was trying to find a link for you for an article about different books you can buy but couldn't find it.
Anyway, someone else will probably post it. When using Visual C++, starting out only create "Empty projects" trust me it will make your life easier. At least until you know what the other types drag in.
Try and stay away from non-standard stuff as much as possible to start with as this later on will give you a good knowledge on what is and isn't standard, and will effect your code and coding style later on down the track I would think.

Bjarne Stroustrup's book is good. He is a college professor and main inventor of C++.

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gcampton, blackcoder41

Thank you both for the replies. I will check out the information you both have posted. I can't wait to dive in and cracking lol.
Uh, if you're new to C++ you're not going to be programming a browser for a *long* time. By long I mean 3+ years and probably more.
And gcamption is right. ALWAYS go empty project. VC++ finds ways to screw you over with just about anything else.
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