How do you search for C++ in search engines?

Simple question, how do you search for C++ in search engines? At first glance this may sound like a dumb question, but google appears to filter out the ++ when searching.

For example:

I'm looking for resources that teach only the new C++11+ way of doing things. With C+11/14, C++17, and onward their goal is to transform C++ into a modern language which is divergent from the old C and C++. After watching some of Stroustrup's presentations on YouTube he has made it clear that I really want to avoid learning about the old C and C++98 way of doing things because you can easily pickup some bad habits. Since I have no previous experience with C++ it really makes no sense studying the old way of doing things.
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Perhaps your lack of results is because you're trying to specify C++14. This is a fairly new standard and there may not be many .pdf files that target this particular standard. I recommend something more like: C++ +filetype.pdf

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