I have no clue how to do this, but I am supposed to open a file, read it, and put the data in an array that is within a class header file through creating an instance of it.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <ios>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
ifstream Fore; //Open up the file DATABOULDER.csv for weather data
if (Fore.fail()) //If it fails nothing will happen
{ //Otherwise open the file and begin sorting the data
string weather; //Create a string called weather
int lineIndex = 0; //Create a counter for the lines
while (getline(Fore, weather, '\n')) //Move through each line of the data by stopping at a character return
{ //Set the weather variable to that whole line of data
stringstream ss; //Create a stream using the weather string
ss << weather;
int weatherIndex = 0; //Create a new Index counter for each piece of data within the line
while (getline(ss, weather, ',')) //Go through the line and every comma store that as a weatherIndex
if (weatherIndex == 0) //Begin setting the pieces of the array beginning with the first index
string day = yearData[lineIndex].day; //If the index is 0 then set it as the .day extension
yearData[lineIndex].day = weather; //Set this equal to the weather variable in order to get the actual piece of data
elseif (weatherIndex == 1) //If Index is 1 then this is the forecast day so use that extension
string forecastDay = yearData[lineIndex].forecastDay;
yearData[lineIndex].forecastDay = weather; //Set that equal to the weather variable to get actual data
elseif (weatherIndex == 2) //If the Index is 2 then this is the high temp
istringstream convert(weather); //First convert weather so it can take ints
int highTemp = 0; //Create a highTemp int variable
string strHighTemp = ""; //Create a string to use with the string for converting the highTemp
strHighTemp = weather.substr(2, 2); //This allows for the H: to be removed and only a number or int
if (!(istringstream(strHighTemp) >> highTemp)) highTemp = 0;//Converting string highTemp to int highTemp and if it fails set highTemp to 0
yearData[lineIndex].highTemp = highTemp;
elseif (weatherIndex == 3)
istringstream convert(weather); //Perform the exact same steps as previous for low temperatures
int lowTemp = 0;
string strLowTemp = "";
strLowTemp = weather.substr(2, 2);
if (!(istringstream(strLowTemp) >> lowTemp)) lowTemp = 0;
yearData[lineIndex].lowTemp = lowTemp;
elseif (weatherIndex == 4) //If Index is 4 then that is humidity and we need to convert
istringstream convert(weather); //Convert weather to take ints
int humidity = 0; //Initialize a variable for humidity
if (!(istringstream(weather) >> humidity)) humidity = 0;//Convert string humidity to int humidity and if it fails set humidity to 0
yearData[lineIndex].humidity = humidity; //Set this index of the array to humidity variable type int
elseif (weatherIndex == 5) //If Index is 5 then that is avgWind and we must convert
istringstream convert(weather); //Convert weather to take ints
int avgWind = 0; //Initialize variable for avgWind
if (!(istringstream(weather) >> avgWind)) avgWind = 0; //Convert string avgWind to int avgWind and if it fails set avgWind to 0
yearData[lineIndex].avgWind = avgWind; //Set this index of the array to the avgWind variable type int
elseif (weatherIndex == 6) //If Index is 6 then it is the avg Wind Direction
yearData[lineIndex].avgWindDir = weather; //Set this index of the array to weather since it is a string
elseif (weatherIndex == 7) //If Index is 7 then it is max Wind
istringstream convert(weather); //Convert weather to take ints
int maxWind = 0; //Initialize variable for maxWind
if (!(istringstream(weather) >> maxWind)) maxWind = 0;//Convert string maxWind to int maxWind and if it fails set maxWind to 0
yearData[lineIndex].maxWind = maxWind; //Set this index of the array to the maxWind variable type int
elseif (weatherIndex == 8) //If Index is 8 then it is max Wind Direction
yearData[lineIndex].maxWindDir = weather; //Set equal to weather since it is a string
elseif (weatherIndex == 9) //If Index is 9 then it is precipitation
istringstream convert(weather); //Convert weather to take doubles
double precip = 0; //Initialize variable for precipitation type double
if (!(istringstream(weather) >> precip)) precip = 0;//Convert string precip to int precip and if it fails set it to 0
yearData[lineIndex].precip = precip; //Set this index of the array to the precip variable of type double
weatherIndex++; //Increment each weatherIndex to get all lines
lineIndex++; //Increment each lineIndex to get all pieces from the lines
WeatherForecaster yD;
// yD.printForecastForDay("9-16-2016");
#include <iostream>
struct ForecastDay{
std::string day;
std::string forecastDay;
int highTemp;
int lowTemp;
int humidity;
int avgWind;
std::string avgWindDir;
int maxWind;
std::string maxWindDir;
double precip;
class WeatherForecaster
void addDayToData(ForecastDay);
void printDaysInData(); //prints the unique dates in the data
void printForecastForDay(std::string);
void printFourDayForecast(std::string);
double calculateTotalPrecipitation();
void printLastDayItRained();
void printLastDayAboveTemperature(int); //argument is the temperature
void printTemperatureForecastDifference(std::string);
void printPredictedVsActualRainfall(int); //argument is days out, such as 1 = 1 day out, 2 = 2 days out, 3 = 3 days out
std::string getFirstDayInData();
std::string getLastDayInData();
int arrayLength = 984;
int index;
ForecastDay yearData[984]; //data for each day
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
/*void WeatherForecaster::addDayToData(ForecastDay day)
if(index < arrayLength)
yearData[index].forecastDay = ForecastDay;
cout<<"array full"<<endl;
void WeatherForecaster::printDaysInData()
//!display contents of array
for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
if(yearData[i].day == yearData[i].forecastDay)
//void WeatherForecaster::printForecastForDay(string index)
/* cout<<yearData[index].Day<<endl;
string WeatherForecaster::getFirstDayInData() //Get the first day within the data set
cout<<yearData[0].day<<endl; //First day is at the 0 index
string WeatherForecaster::getLastDayInData() //Get the last day within the data set
There are several to many problems some i have not figured out yet. Line 12WeatherForecaster(); is this a forward declaration that would be better positioned above main, or a call to a function that you have not defined or a call to the class constructor that you should not do? I think what you want here is something like this: WeatherForecaster aVriableName[arraySize]. This is where the array should be defined not in the private section of the class where you have no way to get to it.
On line 15 your comment says "If it fails nothing will happen", but something should happen. You should print a message to say there is a problem opening the file, give time to read the message and then exit the program because nothing else should happen until you figure out why the file did not open.
Lines 29 - 91 all refer to yearData[lineIndex].something which you can not do because yearData[] is a private member variable of the class that you can only access through a public member function which you do not have e.g., the addDayToData function that you have commented out or a member function to get the private data. The else if statements that deal with changing a string to an int seem to be a bit over coded for what needs to be done. and the lines like if (!(istringstream(strHighTemp) >> highTemp)) highTemp = 0; I am not sure if it would even work, I say that not having tested it yet
In the header file for the class lines 40 and 42 should be defined in main not there.
I would guess that there are more problems that I have not found yet, but that should get you started for now.