File Reading Project


Just need some help understanding how to go about writing a project for fun. I wanna take like a conversation (ie. facebook messenger, text) and use the getline function to search for keywords. I know I'm going to have to read in a file that I create, but I was wondering how to go about actually writing code to output something like

"The word "computer" was used "134" times"

or something like that. It shouldn't be that hard and it's just for funsies.

And if I'm able to get this down no problem I want to take it a step further and take in which person is saying what and say something like

"John said "computer" 24 times, while Bob said "computer" 90 times"

Let me know if you have any ideas on how to go about this!
PS: I know I am going to have to use array's and loops in order to count how many words are said how many times.
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