codeblocks configuration help needed

I'm trying to do self study and see if I get the basics right to know I can subscribe for a course. I've worked with visual studio but it is to much defendant on Microsoft dependencies. Now I'm trying with codeblocks but it say no compiler found?? I only have screenshots if needed no code as I did not even got to the coding part.

This is in widows and my Linux pc's same problem. On Linux is GCC standard so I do not see how it do not see it.
Any place where I must start to look?
In "Code::Blocks" menu, under "Settings" there is "Compiler".

This will give you a window with a lot of fields.
On the top there is a pull-down where you can select what Compiler you want to use.

You mention GCC, so select GNU GCC Compiler there.

This will ensure that you have the right options in the tabs underneath.

Subsequently go to the "Toolchain executables" tab, this is where you tell Code::Blocks where to look for the compiler.
Correct the "Compiler's installation directory" click "OK"

Open the same window again and check if the setting still points to the correct directory.

Finally in the "Toolchain executables" tab there is a "Program Files" tab where you will have to point Code::Blocks to the location of gcc.exe or g++.exe and so on. and click "OK" again.

Now try to build the default hello world console application to test it.

On your windows machine you can also configure Code::Blocks to use your MSVC compiler (if you did not install GCC there yet).
Hi, thanks for all the info. Now I got hold of my problem. Do you only have to install codebloks on new pc and everything is supposed to work? It seems I've not a working/complete installation. I cannot get hold of the mingw32-g++.exe files. I've done a complete pc search and also I've tried the auto folder button on codeblocks.
I've selected C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\share\CodeBlocks\compilers in my path but the rest of the files is no where to be found.

Ok I'm installing MiniGW now. hope it will sort my problem out.
Thanks again will post if not sorted.
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It depends on which download you selected. Code::Blocks provides downloads that include a compiler (those should work out of the zip) and downloads without a compiler (those only work after you configure them to find your previously installed compiler).

For Windows I would recommend downloading installing mingw64 to get the GCC compiler, it is the most up-to-date that I could find, but it does have the downside that it does not statically link the standard library. An alternative that does not have this downside is TDM-GCC-64.
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