cant figure this program out. please help!

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Can't seem to figure out the output of this code. thought it was 14, but it came out 101. Please explain this to me.
 int i = 11;
 while (i <= 99)
  i = i + 3;
  cout << i;

Here is your code in words:

You start off with i equal to 11.
Your code will run adding 3 to i as long as i is less than or equal to 99
when i is greater than 99 it drops out of loop and outputs result

so what is happening is is your code will continue to add 3 to i until it is greater than 99.

So i starts off at 11 and eventually equals 98, and 98<99 so the code runs 98+3=101. 101 is not less than or equal to 99 so it drops out of the loop and outputs the value of 101.

hope this helps
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