

I have been trying to get the library to work. But somehow it doesn't work at all. I need simple window.h and such.

I went to my dev ++ program > tool > compiler opinion > Directories tab > Libraries.

Then put all .cpp, .h in desktop folder, named it library. Then add that folder in Libraries.

Result, 1 63 C:\Users\soulworld05\Desktop\Programmin\simple window.cpp [Error] Simple_window.h: No such file or directory
What are you trying to do:
1. use a dynamic linkable library (dll) in your project?
2. use a static library in your (.a or .lib) project.
3. create a dynamic linkable library (dll) yourself?
4. create a static library yourself?
5. build a library from source files that you downloaded somewhere (e.g. github)

Note: a static library becomes an integrated part of the program than uses the library. A dynamic linkable library remains a separate file, but must be installed on the same system as where the program that uses it is running.
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