
I wrote a little program and it works fine. But i want to ask you what app can i use to create graphics for my program? I mean to don't open in command prompt, but like other apps, in some nice window. How can i do it?
You can start Windows programming with WINAPI's u know. or MFC or to keep it real simple glut. But glut hasn't many capabilities . But still great. I am writing a multithreaded file browser for my year final project just using glut and some WINAPIs. Anyway best of luck :D
Sorry, i'm a total noob when it comes to programming terminology. Can you explain it to me a little bit more? Are WINAPIs and MFC programs?
Sorry, i'm a total noob when it comes to programming terminology. Can you explain it to me a little bit more? Are WINAPIs and MFC programs?

Use Google.
For your original question I recommend SDL.
When you say "graphics" we assume you mean something along the lines of a game. That is what SDL is good at.

If you mean something along the lines of a graphical user interface, like MS Word and MS Calc and Explorer have, then you want a GUI toolkit. For that there is MFC, wxWidgets, FLTK, Qt, etc.

A good place to start is to download Borland's CodeGear's Turbo C++ Explorer, which lets you create GUI applications in C++ fairly easily.

Hope this helps.
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When you say "graphics" we assume you mean something along the lines of a game. That is what SDL is good at.

If you mean something along the lines of a graphical user interface, like MS Word and MS Calc and Explorer have, then you want a GUI toolkit. For that there is MFC, wxWidgets, FLTK, Qt, etc.

A good place to start is to download Borland's CodeGear's Turbo C++ Explorer, which lets you create GUI applications in C++ fairly easily.

Hope this helps.

That's exactly what i wanted. Thank you so much.
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