I would like to understand exactly how the fibonacci sequence is obtained, given that a recursive c++ function unwraps itself for each iteration.
for example the following recursive function:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
#include <iostream>
void countdown(int n) {
std::cout << n << ": Count .. (n at " << &n << ")"<< std::endl;
if (n > 0)
std::cout << n << ": Unwrap .. (n at " << &n << ")" << std::endl;
int main() {
return 0;
the out put is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4: Count .. (n at 0x7ffd086826ec)
3: Count .. (n at 0x7ffd086826cc)
2: Count .. (n at 0x7ffd086826ac)
1: Count .. (n at 0x7ffd0868268c)
0: Count .. (n at 0x7ffd0868266c)
0: Unwrap .. (n at 0x7ffd0868266c)
1: Unwrap .. (n at 0x7ffd0868268c)
2: Unwrap .. (n at 0x7ffd086826ac)
3: Unwrap .. (n at 0x7ffd086826cc)
4: Unwrap .. (n at 0x7ffd086826ec)
the Unwrap is called for each original call.
So given the above, what occurs when the below fibonacci function unwraps?