GPA/Scholarship application help

Can anyone help me make this code in Visual Studio 2010? Here is the assignment:

There are a maximum of 100 students who have applied for a study abroad scholarship. The applications were completed on paper and now information on each student must be entered into the system in order to calculate summary information for the scholarship sponsor.

The user interface must allow the user to enter the classification, gender, home state, and cumulative GPA for each applicant. You may assume that all the information will be entered at one time. After all the information has been entered, summary information should be displayed on the interface (not in a message box) and output to a text file called stdyabr.txt (put each summary on a separate line and be sure it is clear what everything in the output is).

Summary information: Number of females and their average GPA; Number of males and their average GPA; Number of unknown/other and their average GPA; Number of students per state and the average GPA for that state (i.e., Georgia-20 students-Avg. GPA 3.21, Florida-15 students-Avg. GPA 3.12, etc.); number in each classification and the average GPA for that classification (i.e., Freshmen-12 students-Avg. GPA 2.75, Sophomores-17 students-Avg. GPA 2.94, etc.); and total number of applicants and the total average GPA.

Classifications are freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, and other. Gender is male, female, and unknown/other. States are postal abbreviations for all 50 states, DC, and FC for foreign country. Only list in your summary the states who had applicants, but list all classifications. GPA is on a scale from 0-4; assume 2 decimals. Make sure no invalid data may be entered.

Thank you
So, you want to store at most 100 items, each item representing a student. To store each item, should you create:

A) a linked list
B) an array
C) 100 variables

And, should each item be:

A) an array
B) an integer variable
C) an object
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Create a student class and array of students. You could create a static Summary information class that you could update every time you create a new student so you don't have to do any crazy looping to get your summary info. That should give you a start.
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