
I have 19 errors that i do not know how to fix this is written in visual studio

string driver1, driver2, driver3,
color1, color2, color3;
int number1, number2, number3,
laptimeM1, laptimeS1,
laptimeM2, laptimeS2,
laptimeM3, laptimeS3;

// Car1 Info
cout << "Who is the driver for car one? ";
getline(cin, driver1);
cout << "What is the color for car one? ";
getline(cin, color1);
cout << "What is car one's number? ";
cin >> number1;
cout << "What was car one's laptime? "; // format M:S
cin >> laptimeM1 >> laptimeS1;

// Car2 Info
cout << endl << "Who is the driver for car two? ";
getline(cin, driver2);
cout << "What is the color for car two? ";
getline(cin, color2);
cout << "What is car two's number? ";
cin >> number2;
cout << "What was car two's laptime? ";
cin >> laptimeM2 >> laptimeS2;

// Car3 Info
cout << endl << "Who is the driver for car three? ";
getline(cin, driver3);
cout << "What is the color for car three? ";
getline(cin, color3);
cout << "What is car three's number? ";
cin >> number3;
cout << "what is car three's laptime? ";
cin >> laptimeM3 >> laptimeS3;

// convert all to seconds
int s1 = laptimeS1 + laptimeM1 * 60;
int s2 = laptimeS2 + laptimeM2 * 60;
int s3 = laptimeS3 + laptimeM3 * 60;

cout << endl << "Fastests: "<< endl ;
if (s1 <= s2 && s1 <= s3)
cout << driver1 << " " << color1 << " " << number1 << " " << s1 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s2 <= s1 && s2 <= s3)
cout << driver2 << " " << color2 << " " << number2 << " " << s2 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s3 <= s2 && s3 <= s1)
cout << driver3 << " " << color3 << " " << number3 << " " << s3 << "seconds" << endl;

cout << endl << "Slowest: "<< endl ;
if (s1 >= s2 && s1 >= s3)
cout << driver1 << " " << color1 << " " << number1 << " " << s1 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s2 >= s1 && s2 >= s3)
cout << driver2 << " " << color2 << " " << number2 << " " << s2 << "seconds" << endl;
if (s3 >= s2 && s3 >= s1)
cout << driver3 << " " << color3 << " " << number3 << " " << s3 << "seconds" << endl;

return 0;
please help!!!!!!!!! this is due by midnight
Where did you get this code? It is almost functional, except it is missing include statements, a using namespace std declaration, and the function main. There are literally 4 lines of code you could add to the top of this code and it would basically work.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {

Also, you have to put a space between the minutes and seconds when you enter lap time.
I wrote it and I forgot the easiest things!!! Thank you so much!! 0 errors and submitted!
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