Dev C++ .rc file help

Hello all i am working on a C++ console application using Dev c++ 5.11. I am trying to add resource file so they "ship" with the .exe. in other words i need the resource files in this case .wav files to be embedded in the program so i can distribute the .exe and everything will work. this is what i have tried so far.

1. adding the . wav file to the project{and include with compilation)

2. making a notepad file saving it as a .rc then adding that to the program.

neither option worked for me can someone please in detail explain how this is done. I keep getting makefile errors every time i include the . rc file to the project. the program works and complies fine as long as i dont include the .rc file. i cant find any additional info or tutorials on the subject at all on the whole wide internet. so if someone is looking a make a tutorial video this would be a great subject to make it on.

the errors i get with the .rc file is "recipe for target failed"

any help would be much appreciated this is day 3 trying to do this.
I use Dev-C++ daily. The compiler cannot compile a ".rc" file. It's most likely in binary form. g++ can only compile text-based files as opposed to binary.

Are you trying to say that your .rc file has some library code and you need it linked to your program? If so, go to Project > Project Options > Parameters then below the "Linker" window click the button and select your .rc file. Okay your way out of all the menus then Compile > Rebuild All.
This will link your code in the library to the code in your project.

Hope this answers your question.
would that be the best and easiest way to add files to my program using resource files or could i directly add them or how the hell do you do it lol im so frustated right now. as soon as i send my .exe away it will not play sound. please help im so stuck on this one and i cant find any info on it anywhere
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