C/C++/C# programming for interfacing USB to PIC microcontroller

I am a computer sciences student looking to do some PIC microcontroller programming for some small home projects . I am fluent in C/C++/C#/Java and i also have an understanding of programming microprocessors(ALP - the 8086 ) . I plan on building a USB interface to control some lighting and a motor in one of my projects . I have the circuit components and the layout planned out . I have the PIC 18f4550(http://www.kynix.com/Detail/10613/PIC18F4550-I%2FP.html) in mind and I have already downloaded the libraries from the microchip website . The only problem is I don't know what code to write for this . The libraries are huge and I don't really need to go into all the details(that's what I think) . I tried finding other resources but it appears that the PIC is old and most of the links off of Google have only been dead ends . Does anyone know of a blog , a video , or anything that could help me get started ? I'm hoping it's possible to do this using one of the languages I mentioned above .
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