#include <windows.h>

Why would you get a compiler error saying that no such file or directory exists when you try and use the windows.h file? Its included as #include <windows.h>.
what compiler are you using?
Yes, unless you are using the MS compiler suite, you usually need to specifically install the Win32 API suite to your compiler.

Seraphimsan wrote:
what compiler are you using?
Not with MinGW. What kind of backwards compiler is OP using?
I was using visual studio 2005
Now that just doesnt make any sense at all :O Post your code please..
From what I've found elsewhere on the internet no windows api libraries were included with visual studio 2005. That didn't make sense to me but it is working fine my visual studio 2008 compiler I have on this computer.
maybe wrong path to the libs in your folders settings
The current MinGW msi applies the Win32 API for you, but otherwise you must explicitly install it.

I don't know about VS 2005, but I'm glad you got it working.
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