Will the logger cause a leak memory?


pointer structInitialization = malloc (sizeof());

if( )
blah blah ; // this essentially gets the values of the struct


logger (exception ) ;

elementOFStruct = something.struct;
return elementOfStruct;

Will this leak memory if the else statement (logger) is hit? If so how would I go about making sure the memory gets freed?
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My apologies for the confusion, I am just using malloc or calloc to allocate memory the struct pointer.

Essentially I am asking if the function goes to the logger exception, will it skip the freeing of the structure allocated memory by malloc/calloc? If so how so I resolve this issue?
Essentially I am asking if the function goes to the logger exception, will it skip the freeing of the structure allocated memory by malloc/calloc?

If the code structure you've shown is accurate, it will not skip free.
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