bank application

hey, im trying to impress my C++ instructor by making my simple bank application have a working memory from file that stores the account total for future use. I think i have the basic program structure down just fine (i can post it if anyone wants to have a look over it), im just not fully clear on how to make the fstream work properly. and unfortunately i can't even test the program because my xcode has stopped the build and run function for some reason...

also, i dont know if this is a more advanced C++ topic and should be in the other forum. im new(er) to C++ so i figured it should go here.

it's worth reading.. ^o^
What I do to practice fstream capabilities is create both text files, in and out, from within the program.

ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;"projectNameIn.txt");"projectNameOut.txt");

I remember having all sorts of trouble when I was learning, just toy with it and you'll figure it out. Hope this helps.
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